Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 Study

Week 6 Study

Q 1. What does Martin mean when he says that, for the most part, we inherent rather than create social systems? How to these social systems reproduce themselves? Make sure to give examples. 2. What does Martin mean when he says that we internalize our social identities? Make sure to give relevant examples. 3. In what sense does the internalization of social systems foster social stability? What are the positives and negatives of this? Why are those who do not follow socially-sanctioned identities seen as disruptive? 4. What, according to Martin, is naturalization? How does naturalization function to reinforce social roles? 5. According to Martin, what are the elements that all societies have? Please make sure to discuss these elements individually (a longer than normal answer will be necessary). 6. Discuss the difference between relational domination and system domination. How do these thwart the satisfaction of interests? 7. What is a meritocracy? Why does Martin say, along with Bourdieu, that meritocracy is largely a myth? 8. What is habitus? How does habitus function to reinforce class positions in societies? 9. What is the relationship between various habitus and the dominant habitus in society? In what sense is the dominant habitus normalized as universal? 10. What, according to Martin, is the relationship between habitus and religion? Why does Martin suggest that, when understanding religious identities, we should look to shared habitus rather than doctrines and beliefs? 11. According to Martin, what is the difference between a social legitimation and a religious legitimation? 12. According to Martin, how do religious legitimations function to justify certain norms and practices? 13. How is culture a “toolbox,” according to Martin? What types of “tools” might one find at work in the American context? 14. Discuss how the elements of cultural toolboxes reinforce social order. Here, make sure to discuss how such elements: (1) reinforce insider/outsider boundaries; (2) social positions and hierarchies; and (3) social roles, norms, and codes. 15. How, according to Martin, can the various cultural tools discussed be purposed to different ends? Why does Martin say that the selective use of traditions reflects the future more than the past?

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We inherit the social system because we were born into the world. There is socialization elements that people grow to learn based on their membership in a given society. Those in the past would create the system but we grow to reproduce and redefine it. Martin provided example of diamond ring as part of engagement practices in US. We continue to reproduce it and businesses continue to encourage the practice of diamond ring in engagements because of self benefits. People tend to reproduce the social system through naturalization. Socialization can also be used to reproduce a common beliefs among the people.